Simply Wellness Chiropractic Blog

Adult Adjustments vs. Infant Adjustments in Rockford IL

Adult Adjustments vs. Infant Adjustments in Rockford IL

Adult Adjustments vs. Infant Adjustments in Rockford IL Many parents and family members that have been adjusted, watched adjustment videos, or heard stories have questions and concerns about their infants, toddlers, and young children receiving adjustments. There are many chiropractic techniques in Rockford IL used during an adjustment and they are tailored to each person’s…

Chiropractic for Infants In Rockford IL

Chiropractic for Infants In Rockford IL

Chiropractic for Infants in Rockford IL Babies are wonderful, but the process of having a baby can be traumatic for both mom and baby. The pulling and twisting necessary to giving birth often creates upper cervical subluxations in infants. This can create a need for infant chiropractic in Rockford IL. Subluxations in Rockford IL Babies…

Rockford Chiropractors Help Range of Motion

Rockford IL Chiropractors Help Range of Motion

Rockford IL Chiropractors Help Range of Motion A body in motion is a beautiful thing, but through poor lifestyle choices, injuries, and general aging our range of motion can diminish to the point that we can barely bend over to pick something up off the floor. Everyone seems to take their flexibility and ease of…

Pregnancy and the Role of Chiropractic In Rockford IL

Pregnancy and the Role of Chiropractic In Rockford IL

Pregnancy and the Role of Chiropractic In Rockford IL Pregnancy can be beautiful, but it’s also really hard. As the body changes to adapt and make room for the growing child, many expecting mothers experience back and hip pain as their bodies shift. Thankfully chiropractic for pregnancy in Rockford IL offers a natural solution to…

Sciatic Leg Pain in Rockford IL

Sciatic Leg Pain in Rockford IL

Sciatic Leg Pain in Rockford IL A number of patients who visit our Rockford IL chiropractic clinic struggle with sciatica. Learn the facts about sciatica and it may help you understand your pain. The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the human body, emerging from the spine in the lower back. It…

Rockford Chiropractor Talks about Wellness Care

Rockford IL Chiropractor Talks about Wellness Care

Rockford IL Chiropractor Talks about Wellness Care Being healthy from a physical perspective and being healthy from a wellness perspective are two separate things. Many world-class athletes look healthy and perform well in their chosen field, but they would fail an overall wellness test that incorporates all the different elements of wellness. Keep reading to…